March at Booksie: Celebrating Ghana & Illustrators, New Reads

March at Booksie: Celebrating Ghana & Illustrators, New Reads

March has been a special month at Booksie. It's been a time to embrace our roots as we celebrated Ghana's Independence Day, shining a light on books that reflect Ghanaian history and culture. Our young readers have been connecting with stories that tell of our past, understanding the richness of the heritage we carry forward. It's our way of celebrating Independence – by igniting a love for local lore and pride in our nation's journey.

Amidst the celebrations, we've stocked our bookshelves with fresh arrivals. For our avid young readers, we've carefully selected books that cater to their growing minds – stories that engage, characters that resonate, and narratives that encourage a love for reading. We believe every book is a new adventure, a new friend, and a new world, right there at their fingertips.

A quick sneak peek of what to expect:

Cooking jollof with Nana in Ghana: Join Afia and her brothers in Nana's kitchen for a cooking lesson on how to make delicious jollof rice dish

Obioma Plays Football: A story about a talented girl in a wheelchair who plays football

Illustrator spotlight

We also shine a light on the talent behind the scenes; Nii Dromo Yartey. As an illustrator and animator, he has a special knack for bringing stories to life. His contribution goes beyond the books. Last December, he was the music director for our theatre production; Gizo-Gizo! A tale from the Zongo lagoon, crafting melodies that still echo in our halls till this day. His work is not just about creating; it's about inspiring, teaching, and bringing joy to our young readers and performers.

Holiday Reading Camp

This March, we kicked off our Holiday Reading Camp and are looking forward to a wonderful adventure with our young readers. More updates on this in our next blog post. Stay tuned!

In these ways and more, March at Booksie has been about connection – to our culture, to adventures, to new stories, and to the people who help make them happen. 

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